Kashan A.

Platforms ruin themselves when they incentivize quantity over quality.

#YouTube #Instagram #TikTok #Quantity #Quality #Incentivize

X/Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, the common problem and the major reason why all of these platforms suck is because they’ve incentivized the wrong thing; quantity.

Wanna grow on LinkedIn? Post more frequently, post random shite, post whatever you find on the internet, post logically incorrect roadmaps, post shite that was posted a million times before, just make sure you post 7 days a week, miss 1 day and the algorithm disowns you as if you never existed. Oh, and also make sure you comment on every single post you see, you can simply write “Good share” without even reading the post and Lord Algorithm will be happy.

Wanna grow on Xitter (Twitter)? Do the same as above except also buy premium cuz a paid blue checkmark is necessary for any internet edge-lord to grow their personal brand and validate themselves in the mirror.

Wanna grow on YT, IG, or TikTok? Do the same as LinkedIn except make sure you post controversial things all the time, simple as that.

And the end result? We have platforms with absolutely 0 informative content, full of random, repetitive BS that gets posted just for clout. If there’s any informative content on these platforms, it’s so rare that you’re almost asleep by the time you find it.

LinkedIn and Xitter are the absolute worst in terms of these.

Idk how many times I’ve seen these “developer influencers” post a “JavaScript Roadmap” which are exactly the same at every iteration (and are mostly just every single JS-related thing listed as a milestone) except the dude will paste his name atop.

Idk how many times I’ve seen the same “PHP is not dead” rants. Never have I ever seen a worse language than PHP, see https://phpsadness.com. I’ve worked with PHP for more than 5 years and I can tell you that it’s the worst language ever. It’s not dead, it’s just a zombie that refuses to die.

Idk how many times I’ve seen a nobody trying to be an influencer by shiteposting whatever they can find cuz maybe that’s what an influencer is supposed to do? Who exactly are you going to influence with that kinda content? Mosquitos? Not even mosquitos would be impressed by that but some people do. Some people are so desperate for validation that they’ll do anything to get it, even if it means posting random shite on the internet.

So yeah, platforms have incentivized quantity instead of considering it spam, Instagram had rules where if you post too much or even comment too much, you get a cooldown. But, that’s not the case anymore, now you can post as much as you want, comment as much as you want, and do whatever you want as long as you’re posting something, anything, and as long as you’re commenting something, anything.

When I read shite such as “Wanna grow on LI? Connect with your audience, leave 15 comments a day on posts you see from your connections”, I cringe so hard I die twice. Comments were introduced on Facebook so that people can let their thoughts out, not to use them as a growth metric. Instead of using the comment section to genuinely post what you think, you just post something, anything, and so people use ChatGPT to generate those comments and post them just to impress Lord Algorithm.

This is modern day slavery, change my mind. You’re a slave to the algorithm, you’re a slave to the platform, you’re a slave to the system, you’re a slave to numbers, you’re a slave to vanity metr… I mean, growth metrics.

Kashan, you’re just jealous

No, I’m not. I’m not jealous of people who have to post 7 days a week to get a few likes and comments on their posts. I’m not jealous of people who have to post random shite to get a few likes and comments on their posts. I’m not jealous of people who have to post controversial things to get a few likes and comments on their posts. I’m not jealous of people who have to post whatever they can find on the internet to get a few likes and comments on their posts. There, I said it.


I’m not saying that you shouldn’t post on these platforms, I’m saying that you should post quality content instead of quantity content. I’m saying that you should post informative content instead of random shite. I’m saying that you should post things that you think are worth posting instead of things that you think will get you likes and comments. I’m saying that you should post things that you think will help people instead of things that you think will get you clout. I’m saying that you should post things that you think will help you grow as a person instead of things that you think will help you grow as an influencer.

The worst use-case of the internet was social media, it was supposed to connect people, not disconnect them. It was supposed to help people, not help them get addicted to dopamine. It was supposed to help people grow, not help them grow their vanity metrics.

Until next time, keep posting quality content, keep getting better, and keep moving forward.

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